Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences - jATES (online ISSN 2560-5429) is an open access, peer reviewed, multi-disciplinary scientific journal edited and managed by professors from the Obuda University, Hungary, Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Hungary and Subotica Tech, Serbia. Prior to 2018, jATES was known as "EDU Szakképzés,-és Környezetpedagógiai elektronikus szakfolyóirat" started in 2010 by the Network of Young Scientists for Education. 

Continues "EDU Szakképzés,-és Környezetpedagógiai elektronikus szakfolyóirat" (2010-2017)

Publication frequency till 2024: quarterly.
Publication frequency from 2025: yearly using continuous/rolling publication model.

Manuscript processing time to publish: 2-3 mounths average following submission.
First decision: 4 weeks

jATES publishes original research and application oriented papers as well as review articles, in the areas of engineering and education in both English and Hungarian language. The journal is supported by an international editorial board. The journal does not charge authors any article processing charges (APCs), submission, or publication fees. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link the full text of these articles.

Each paper is evaluated in a blind, peer review process, with at least two reviewers for every paper. Similarity Check is used for plagarism checking and in ethical issues the COPE guidelines are followed.

Online ISSN: 2560-5429

Accepted by Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Committee on Education.

Hungarian Scientific Bibliography (MTMT) registers jATES as international, peer-reviewed scientific journal.

Find jATES publications and cititations in Google Scholar.

jATES is listed, indexed and abstracted by

ProQuest Education Collection & ProQuest Education Database
- ProQuest Materials Science & Engineering Database

jATES is archived by

Repository of the Library of Hungarian Academy of Sciences